Understanding What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

Whether you’re biking for leisure or commuting to work, biking offers many benefits. It offers some form of physical fitness, adventure, and environmental preservation.

Besides the benefits, a bicycle also comes with its share of risks. You can get into an accident with other vehicles, hit an object, or fall. A bicycle accident can be a huge setback in your life.

However, the steps you take after the accident will determine whether you’ll get back to biking as soon as possible or will need long-term care.

If you’ve been in a bicycle accident and don’t know what to do, Chicago Personal Injury Centers is here to help. Let’s help you understand what to do after a bicycle accident.

Check for Damage

The damage to your bike can be a good indication of the extent of your injuries. The best thing to do after a minor bike accident is to slow down first and check for damage to your bike.

You might not feel any pain or discomfort in your body, but knowing the extent of damage will help you determine the magnitude of the accident.

If your helmet is cracked, it can also indicate a concussion. Sometimes, discomfort or symptoms from a head injury may not appear immediately. However, if you feel dizzy, confused, or you lose consciousness, you need to seek medical help right away.

Carry out basic first aid by checking for bruises, scrapes, cuts, and road rash. Try walking around or stretching to determine if there are signs of broken bones or limbs. If you feel pain while trying to stand up, don’t force yourself. Get a doctor to attend to you immediately.

Understand Your Injuries

A fall from a bike may appear like a minor accident with no cause for alarm. However, even something minor may become serious if not taken care of.

So, whether you get into a simple bike accident or a serious one like a collision with a car, take time to understand your injuries.

Bicycle accidents cause different kinds of injuries, including bruises, lacerations, bone fractures, dental fractures, and torn ligaments or tendons, among others.

Some injuries, like lacerations, may appear minor, but if left untreated, they can turn into serious infections. Something like a minor concussion can also turn into a serious brain injury.

You need to pay attention to how your body feels to understand how to deal with the injuries better. Knowing how your body feels and the kind of injuries you suffered will help you deal with the pain better to help speed up your recovery.

Get a Medical Checkup

While not all bike accidents warrant a visit to the doctor, sometimes, getting a quick checkup can save your life. You may feel fine after a fall but later start experiencing dizziness or back pain.

If you feel even a little discomfort from a fall or believe the accident was severe, get a medical checkup.

If you experience deep cuts, excessive bleeding, broken bones, or concussion, don’t try self-treatment. Even if you successfully treat your injuries, you need a doctor to check for internal ones.

Medical professionals can carry out a CT scan or an X-ray to check for internal injuries and administer appropriate treatment.

Image is of a cyclist on the ground following a bicycle accident involving a car

Schedule an Appointment with Your Doctor

Not all bicycle accidents require urgent care. Besides, if you happen to get into an accident while biking in a remote area, getting immediate medical attention may not be easy.

But, even if you manage the pain and treat your injuries, seeing a doctor as soon as you can will give you peace of mind.

Don’t assume that your injuries are just minor without getting a clean bill of health from your doctor. What appears minor may be life-threatening.

Skipping a visit to your doctor means a longer recovery period even for minor injuries. Visiting a doctor helps you recover faster and avoid future complications that would have been avoided on time.

Contact Legal Help

After a bicycle accident, contacting legal help is a crucial step to ensure your rights are protected and to navigate the complexities of any potential legal claims.

Why Contact a Lawyer?

A lawyer specializing in personal injury and bicycle accidents can provide invaluable assistance in several ways:

  • Assessing Your Case: A lawyer can evaluate the details of your accident to determine if you have a viable claim for compensation.
  • Navigating Insurance Claims: Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging. A lawyer can handle communications and negotiations with insurers to ensure you receive a fair settlement.
  • Collecting Evidence: An experienced attorney will know what evidence is needed to support your claim and how to gather it effectively. This includes accident reports, medical records, witness statements, and expert testimony.
  • Understanding Legal Rights and Options: A lawyer can explain your legal rights and the options available to you, including whether to pursue a lawsuit if an agreeable settlement cannot be reached.

It’s advisable to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Early legal intervention can help preserve evidence and protect your rights from the outset.

Come to Chicago Personal Injury Centers for Checkup and Treatment After a Bicycle Accident

If you get into a bicycle accident, you need to get immediate treatment to prevent your injuries from getting serious. CPIC understands how personal injuries can be devasting and is committed to helping you recover your life.

We work with specialized and experienced doctors who understand how to treat different kinds of injuries, whether minor or severe. Our doctors offer medical treatment and surgical interventions as well as compassionate care.

We understand that pain can also cause psychological trauma, so we want to help you recover physically and emotionally.

If you get into any kind of bicycle accident and suffer injuries such as lacerations, broken bones, and concussions among others, come to CPIC.

The Chicago Personal Injury Centers will take good care of you to ensure a bicycle injury doesn’t change your life. Contact us today for urgent care or book an appointment with our specialists.