Hand and Wrist Pain Treatment in Chicago

Hand and wrist injuries can have a significant impact on one’s life, both physically and mentally. Physically, these types of injuries can cause pain, swelling, and reduced mobility, making it difficult to perform daily tasks, work, and participate in social activities.

When it comes to your mental wellness, hand and wrist injuries can lead to feelings of frustration, depression, and anxiety. They can also cause isolation and loneliness due to the reduced ability to engage in social activities.

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, we understand the physical and emotional toll that hand and wrist injuries can have on an individual. This is why we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality of care and helping them get back to their pain-free and fully-functional lives as soon as possible by providing comprehensive hand and wrist pain treatment in Chicago.

Whether you are an athlete or someone who has experienced a hand or wrist injury due to other reasons, our team of medical specialists is here to help put you on the path to quick recovery. Give us a call today at (773) 482-5800 to schedule an appointment.

Table of Contents

What To Know About Hand and Wrist Injuries

The human hand and wrist are complex structures made up of an intricate network of bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles. We rely on these body parts to perform almost all kinds of daily and work-related tasks, and also to engage in our hobbies/interests or sports-related activities.

This means that in the event of an injury to any of these parts, many aspects of your life can be severely affected. Hand and wrist injuries have many causes, ranging from car accidents and overuse at the workplace to medical conditions.

All in all, if you’ve suffered a hand or wrist injury, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention and appropriate treatment helps to prevent long-term complications and promote a fast and full recovery.

What Are the Common Hand and Wrist Injuries?

Understanding the following symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Hand and wrist injuries can manifest in various ways, including pain, swelling, bruising, restricted range of motion, weakness, numbness, tingling, and visible deformities.

Recognizing these signs early on enables individuals to seek appropriate medical attention and embark on a path to recovery and rehabilitation. Our center is dedicated to providing valuable insights and guidance to help individuals recognize and address these symptoms, promoting a swift and comprehensive recovery process for improved hand and wrist health.

  • Fractures and dislocations: Fractures (partial or complete breaks) in the bones of the hands or wrists are painful injuries often caused by trauma, falls, or accidents. A dislocation occur when a bone in one of your joints is pushed out of its normal position.
  • Tendon and ligament injuries: Tendonitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation or irritation of tendons in the hand or wrist. Injuries to wrist ligaments, such as a sprained wrist, can result from sudden twisting or overextension of the wrist joint.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that arises when the median nerve becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. It is associated with symptoms such as pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and fingers.
  • Nerve injuries: Nerve injuries can occur due to trauma or overuse. They can cause tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand and wrist.

What Should I Do After a Hand or Wrist Injury?

Suffering a hand or wrist injury can be very distressing and disruptive. However, understanding your situation and knowing what steps to take can help to ensure fast and full recovery and prevent further complications. So, what should you do after a hand or wrist injury:

  1. Stop the activity that caused the injury and rest the affected area.
  2. Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling and pain.
  3. Elevate the affected area above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention.

Hand and wrist injuries can be complex, and symptoms may not always align with the severity of the injury. Seeking professional medical care helps to ensure accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, our team of medical experts specialize in hand and wrist injuries, offering prompt and comprehensive medical care. We are dedicated to providing thorough evaluations and personalized treatment plans to address our patients’ unique needs.

We understand the importance of early intervention. That’s why we use advanced techniques and technology to accurately and quickly diagnose your condition before putting you on an effective treatment plan.

Image is of an elderly woman holding her wrist in pain concept of hand and wrist pain treatment in Chicago

What Should I Expect at Chicago Personal Injury Center?

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, we take a comprehensive and collaborative approach when it comes to addressing hand and wrist injuries. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists, which includes orthopedic surgeons, hand therapists, physical therapists, and pain management experts, works together to provide you with the highest standards of care and support throughout your journey to recovery.

With us, you can expect thorough evaluations, personalized treatment, surgical expertise, effective pain management, rehabilitation, and patient education.

Our collaborative team approach is highly effective in that it offers access to a wide range of expertise, comprehensive care under one roof, a tailored treatment approach, consistent communication, and a potentially faster recovery.

How Does a Hand or Wrist Injury Get Diagnosed?

Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment of hand and wrist injuries, and at Chicago Personal Injury Center, we employ advanced diagnostic techniques and comprehensive evaluations to ensure precise assessments.

Our specialists conduct comprehensive evaluations, which include a review of your medical history, a detailed physical examination, and an assessment of the functional impact on your daily life.

The use of advanced diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRI, and CT scans, helps us to accurately assess the type and extent of injuries. Doing this helps us to get a thorough understanding of your injury, allowing us to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

What Kind of Hand and Wrist Injury Treatment Plans Are There?

Every hand and wrist injury is unique, and requires a specially-tailored treatment plan to address the patient’s unique needs and recovery goals. That’s why we strive to provide personalized care that is designed to help patients fully recover as quickly as possible.

We also believe that patients play an active role in shaping their treatment journey. That’s we encourage open communication and collaboration with all our patients. This helps to ensure you are fully informed and engaged in the decision-making process regarding your care.

What Are Some of the Different Treatments for Hand and Wrist Injuries?

What Kind of Surgical Services Can Help a Hand or Wrist Injury?

Hand and wrist injuries, especially those that are severe or complex, may require surgical intervention to restore function and alleviate pain. The surgical procedure required will vary depending on the nature and extent of the injury, but some common procedures include: fracture repair, tendon repair, ligament reconstruction, carpal tunnel release, joint replacement, ganglion cyst removal and nerve repair.

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, our skilled orthopedic surgeons specialize in advanced hand and wrist surgeries. Whenever possible, we prioritize minimally invasive procedures.

These types of procedures typically result in smaller incisions, reduced pain, quicker recovery, and less scarring. We also offer a wide range of specialized procedures, including microsurgery for delicate nerve and blood vessel repair, arthroscopic surgery for joint conditions, and ligament reconstruction techniques for joint stability.

What Should I Do If I Have Trouble Coping With My Hand and Wrist injury?

Dealing with a hand and wrist injury can be both physically and emotionally challenging. The emotional impact of such an injury is significant, often leading to frustration, anxiety, and feelings of helplessness.

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, we understand the importance of providing our patients not only physical but also quality psychological support during your recovery journey. Counseling and psychological support can help patients manage the rollercoaster of emotions and cope with the emotional toll of their injury.

It also helps to reduce stress and promote faster recovery. Strategies for managing frustration and anxiety include seeking emotional support, engaging in relaxation techniques, staying active within limits, and maintaining a positive mindset. We can help you to find the support that you need.

Image is of a doctor bandaging a hand injury concept of hand and wrist pain treatment in Chicago

Should I Pursue Legal Recourse For My Hand and/or Wrist Injury?

If your hand or wrist injury was caused by the negligence of another party, it is important to speak with a legal representative to determine if you should pursue legal recourse. An attorney can help determine whether you have a valid case and how much it is worth. They’ll also help you to gather evidence and ensure that all paperwork is filed correctly.

Your attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with the insurance company or the negligent party on your behalf to reach a fair settlement agreement. If negotiations fail, your attorney will take your case to trial and fight for your rights before a judge and/or jury.

Why Should I Choose Chicago Personal Injury Center?

If you are looking for specialized care for your hand or wrist injury, Chicago Personal Injury Center has got you covered. Here ‘s why we are your best healthcare provider in:

  • Multidisciplinary Team: At Chicago Personal Injury Center, we have a team of highly specialized medical professionals, including orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, who work together to provide the necessary care for hand and wrist injuries.
  • Comprehensive Evaluations: We conduct comprehensive evaluations, including advanced diagnostic imaging, to precisely assess the extent and nature of your injury, allowing us to tailor treatment to your unique needs.
  • Personalized Care: Chicago Personal Injury Center provides personalized care that is designed to help patients fully recover as quickly as possible.
  • Advanced Surgical Services: Our team of surgeons specializes in minimally invasive techniques and specialized procedures for hand and wrist surgeries. These techniques help to reduce pain, scarring, and recovery time.

Get the Professional Hand and Wrist Pain Treatment in Chicago That You Need Today!

Your hands and wrists play a crucial role in your daily life, allowing you to perform many essential tasks. A hand or wrist injury can not only lead to pain and discomfort but can also disrupt your normal life completely.

At Chicago Personal Injury Center, we provide comprehensive care that helps to address all aspects of your injury. We have a multidisciplinary team of highly specialized medical professionals who work together to provide personalized care that is designed to help patients achieve quick and full recovery.

Additionally, we specialize in minimally invasive techniques and specialized procedures for hand and wrist surgeries, which can help reduce pain, scarring, and recovery time. If you have suffered a hand or wrist injury, don’t hesitate to contact our capable team at (773) 482-5800 for quality and specialized treatment.

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Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident, Slip & Fall, or Workplace Injury?

If so, contact the medical professionals at Chicago Personal Injury Centers today to schedule your initial consultation and get started on the path to recovery!Do you want more information about our addiction treatment programs? Contact us today and we can help you start the process of healing now.