What to Do About Back Pain After a Car Accident

Back pain after a car accident is quite common. Even a small car accident can jolt your spine, leaving you with a lot of pain. You might not feel pain right away. The pain may start days after your car accident. It can even catch you off guard. So, do not ignore back pain after a car accident.

Ignoring back pain can lead to long-term issues, including chronic pain, nerve damage, decreased mobility, or even permanent disability. Also, untreated back pain can affect your sleep and quality of life. Therefore, addressing back pain promptly can save you from long-term misery.

Fortunately, there are clear steps you can take to get your life back on track. You can see the right specialists from Chicago Personal Injury Centers and start car accident injury treatments and therapies designed to treat your back pain.

Contact us today at (773) 482-5800 to talk to our specialists at Chicago Personal Injury Centers.

Let’s walk through what to do about back pain after a car accident:

1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you have been in a car accident and your back hurts, the first thing you need to do is to visit a healthcare professional. Even if your back pain feels minor, you still need to see a doctor. Why? There could be something serious happening underneath.

Injuries, such as herniated discs, whiplash, or even fractures, do not always manifest immediately after a car accident. They can take a few days, or even weeks, to become a real problem. In addition, seeking medical attention can help you document your injuries and back your insurance claim.

2. Understand Common Causes of Back Pain After Car Accidents

Not all back is the same, especially after a car accident. So, want to know what is causing that pain in your back? Then, you need to understand the common causes of back pain after car accidents.

  • Whiplash: Whiplash does not just affect the neck. It can also mess with your entire spine. If another vehicle hits your car from behind, your head jerks back and forth. So, the sudden jerking of your neck can throw your spine out of alignment. And you may start to feel pain, stiffness, and even dizziness.
  • Herniated Discs: There are soft cushions between vertebrae in the spine. One or more of those discs can get pushed out of place in an accident. So, the herniated discs may pinch a nerve root. This can leave your back in constant discomfort or send shooting pain down your leg.
  • Spinal Fractures: Spinal fractures are less common. However, they are very serious. They usually happen in high-impact car accidents. If left untreated, spinal fractures can lead to long-term disability. Warning signs to look for include weakness, severe pain, or difficulty walking.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Soft tissues are muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They can get stretched or torn after a car accident. For instance, you can suffer torn or stretched ligaments in your back due to the impact of a crash. Soft tissues can take weeks to heal.

Man with back pain being examined by doctor, concept of back pain after car accident.

3. Early Treatment Options

Once a medical doctor checks you out, it is time to take the next steps. You are probably in pain right now. You do not have to stay in pain any longer. Early treatment can help you recover faster.

Here are early treatment options:

  • Rest and Ice Therapy: The first 48 hours after an injury are critical. The best thing you can do to minimize inflammation and pain is to rest and apply ice. The ice reduces inflammation. Resting, on the other hand, gives your body a chance to recover.
  • Pain Medication: You may need to take over-the-counter pain medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to manage your pain. In fact, they can help reduce inflammation. However, do not rely on pain medication alone. Why? Because pain medications do not fix the problem.
  • Chiropractic Care: A chiropractor specializes in helping the body heal from traumas, such as car accidents. Remember, your spine might be out of alignment. So, your chiropractor can adjust your spine to reduce inflammation and pain and restore proper movement.
  • Physical Therapy: If you were injured in a car accident, physical therapy can help you regain mobility and strength. Stretching and strengthening exercises, for example, can help restore your ability to move and reduce pain. Your physical therapist will design exercises tailored to your injury.

4. Avoid These Common Mistakes

Are you in pain? Then, you are more likely to make decisions that feel good in the short term. However, they may hurt you down the road.

Here is what you should avoid:

Ignoring the Pain or “Pushing Through It”

If you are hurt in a car accident, do not ignore the pain or try to “push through it.” You will not be doing yourself any favors. In fact, your back injury might turn into a chronic one. If you feel pain in your back, do not ignore it. It should be a sign that something is wrong.

Relying Solely on Pain Medications

You can use pain medications to minimize the pain and improve your comfort. That is why you may take pain medication and go on with your day. However, pain medications do not address the underlying cause. They only mask the symptoms. And they do not fix the problem.

Delaying Treatment

You are probably busy. Or you are hoping that the pain will go away on its own. Do not, however, delay treatment. Why? It can make things worse. The longer you wait, the harder it can be to treat your injury. Delaying treatment can lead to chronic pain. And your chronic pain can get worse.

5. Explore Long-Term Solutions

Some back injuries heal quickly. And other back injuries take time. However, you still need to seek long-term solutions.

Here are some long-term solutions to consider:

  • Physical Therapy: Are you feeling better? If yes, you can stick with a physical therapy program to prevent future injuries. Your therapists might recommend some exercises. You can keep doing these exercises on your own. These exercises will keep your back strong in the long run.
  • Chiropractic and Massage Therapy: Regular chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy are helpful for ongoing pain relief. Massage therapy helps relieve tension in your muscles. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, keeps your spine aligned. So, you can use both massage therapy and chiropractic care to manage your back pain.
  • Surgical Options: Unfortunately, non-invasive treatments might not work in some cases. So, your doctor may consider surgery if non-invasive treatments do not work. This is usually a last resort. You might not want to go through it. However, if you have tried everything else, surgery might be your best option.

6. When to Seek Legal Advice

If you suffered back pain due to someone else’s negligence, you have to protect yourself legally. You deserve to be compensated. However, insurance companies will do everything they can to minimize your payout. So, you need proper documentation, including medical records, doctor visits, and treatment plans.

A personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal system. Your lawyer will work hard to make sure you are compensated for your injuries, medical bills, and even lost wages. Your lawyer will also protect your rights and represent you. Remember, you do not have to pay for someone else’s mistake.

Image is of a pain receiving chiropractic treatment, concept of back pain after car accident

Looking for the Right Treatment for You? Contact Chicago Personal Injury Centers Today

Back pain after a car accident is no joke. Therefore, you need to take back pain seriously after a car accident. What might seem like a minor pain could get much worse over time. Do not risk it. If you want to increase your chances of healing quickly and avoid long-term damage, get treatment early.

Consulting with medical professionals can help pinpoint the problem accurately and design an effective treatment plan to reduce your back pain and restore your functions. In fact, catching issues early can prevent future injuries and keep your back strong and healthy.

Pain is a warning sign. Please do not ignore it. Reach out to a personal injury treatment center. At Chicago Personal Injury Centers, we are ready to create a treatment plan to get you back on your feet. You deserve to feel good again. And you do not need to tough it out alone.

Do not wait for things to get worse. Call us today at (773) 482-5800 to reclaim your health!