6 Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

A car accident can leave you shaken and feeling scared and overwhelmed. You might not even be certain about the next steps to take. Unfortunately, some people may underestimate their injuries and delay seeking medical help. Remember, delaying seeking medical care could worsen your injuries and affect your recovery.

Documenting your injuries can help you establish the extent of your injuries, prove causation, track medical costs, recover maximum compensation, and provide evidence in court. However, failure to document your injuries after a car accident can result in a reduction in your settlement amount or even a denial of claims.

We, therefore, highly encourage you to seek medical attention immediately, even if your injuries seem minor.

Mistakes to Avoid Following a Car Accident

After a car accident, the steps you take can significantly impact both your recovery and any potential legal claims. It’s crucial to be aware of common pitfalls that could compromise your health and legal rights.

1. Not Calling the Police

Some people rush to leave the accident scene. They might not call the police because the accident seems minor. You need to call the police after an accident. If you do not have a police report, it can complicate your legal claim and prevent you from recovering a fair settlement.

You should call the police and report your accident. Police cannot help you build your case. However, they will ensure that everyone is safe and document their findings in an official report. You will need to obtain a copy of the police report and present it to your insurance provider.

2. Failing to Collect Evidence at the Scene

If you have not been seriously injured and your car is not damaged, it can be tempting to leave the accident. Why? It is probably because you do not want to get involved in anything. Remember, failing to collect evidence can weaken your personal injury claim.

You need to gather evidence at the accident scene. How? You can take photos of your injuries and damaged property, record witness information, and write down details about the accident. If possible, take photos and record videos of all evidence, including area traffic, road conditions, weather conditions, skid marks, and more.

3. Admitting Fault or Apologizing

Some people believe that if they admit guilt, they can eliminate the need for a lengthy investigation or legal battle. Do not admit fault or apologize at the scene of the accident. If you admit fault or apologize at the scene, the insurance company may deny your claim.

It is easy to say something that could hurt your case. And if you say something wrong, it can be viewed as an admission of guilt in a car accident. Therefore, if you admit fault, your insurance provider may delay, reduce, or even deny your claim.

Do not make statements that imply fault. If you must speak with your insurance companies and authorities, you must stick to factual descriptions. By the way, you are not legally required to admit fault, even if you are responsible for the car accident.

4. Ignoring Follow-Up Medical Treatment

A car accident can lead to minor injuries. So, some people will ignore follow-up medical treatment. And they might discontinue treatment prematurely. Ignoring follow-up care can lead to more severe symptoms, disease progression, emotional trauma, increased medical expenses, and permanent disability.

You must follow your doctor’s orders, adhere to your treatment plan, and attend follow-up appointments. Why? You will demonstrate that you are taking your injuries seriously and strengthen your case. In addition, adhering to your treatment plan can speed up the healing process and help you completely recover from your injuries.

Image is of an injured patient speaking with doctor concept of mistakes to avoid after a car accident.

5. Settling Too Quickly with Insurance Companies

Some people will accept the first settlement from an insurance company. Do you know why? It is because they want to resolve the case quickly and move on with their lives. You should know that insurance companies want to pay out as little as possible on their insurance claims. So, you will not get the best offer from an insurer.

If you have been injured and suffered property damage, you need enough compensation to cover your medical expenses and other damages. The insurance company may try to force you to take their lowball offer. Do not accept it. Do not let them intimidate you to accept their lowball offer.

Hiring a good lawyer can help you handle settlement negotiations. Your lawyer will review the settlement offer from the insurance company. Additionally, your lawyer can help you build a strong case. If you have a solid case, you will get a fair settlement from the insurance company.

6. Failing to Document Injuries and Symptoms

Unfortunately, some people do not keep detailed records of their injuries and symptoms over time. It is not enough to say you were injured. You need to demonstrate the extent of your injuries and how they have affected your life. If you can thoroughly document your injuries, you may get a fair settlement.

How can you document your injuries and symptoms? You can maintain a personal injury journal. You should document your medical visits, pain levels, and treatments. If you can create a record of the extent of your injuries and prognosis, you will recover faster.

How Can a Personal Injury Treatment Center Help?

A car accident can leave you with serious injuries. These injuries can make it difficult to return to your job and support your family. It is, however, easy to make mistakes after a car accident. You may fail to call the police, gather evidence, seek medical help, and document your injuries.

If you make one of these mistakes, you could lose your chance to recover compensation for your injuries and damages. Therefore, you need to take the right steps to protect your health and legal rights. If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to visit a personal injury treatment center for comprehensive care and support.

At Chicago Personal Injury Centers, we are ready and committed to helping you get back on your feet. We treat a wide range of injuries sustained in car accidents. We can help you focus on your recovery. We have the experience and expertise to document your injuries and help you through the recovery process.

Contact Chicago Personal Injury Centers today by calling (773) 482-5800 to schedule a FREE initial consultation.